subREAL group


Founded in 1990 by Călin Dan and Dan Mihălțianu and joined by Iosif Király in 1991, it functioned as a duet since 1993 when Dan Mihălțianu left.

Stamped by post-conceptual attitudes, overstated with irony and self-mockery, subREAL was the first to introduce an operating mode that challenged the viewer’s knowledge. Their historical reflection explored the native artistic, institutional context. Over short period they had been flexibly inspired to social and institutional issues.

The most well-known project focused on Arta magazine archive and highlighted upon the way the communist art system functioned and issues of representation. subREAL captured the stereotypes and distortions induced by the globalization but did not harbor any illusions on the way the West saw the post-communist reality. They had exhibitions in renowned institutions and have been invited to events such as Manifesta, Berlin and Venice Biennale, etc.
