Mirela Moscu

Mirela Moscu (b. 1986, Sibiu, Romania) lives and works in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She graduated with an MA from the University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca, Fine Art Department and was a finalist of the Gilchrist Fisher Award in 2014.

Previous exhibitions include Sky-like Hope at Suprainfinit Gallery, Bucharest, Romania, 2019, Description of Silence at Frameless Gallery, London, UK, The Moist, Half-Open Darkness of the Leaves, Lateral ArtSpace, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2017; Being Mountains, Being Seas, Lateral ArtSpace, 2017; Polished Honesty, Centrul Artelor Vizuale Multimedia, Bucharest, Romania, 2016, The Quiet Corner, Lateral ArtSpace, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2016, Nord Art, Kunstwerk Carlshutte, Budelsdorf, Germany, 2012; Junge Rumanische Kunstlerlnnen, Prisma Gallery, Bolzano, Italy, 2011; Don't get mad bro, Point Contemporary, Bucharest, Romania 2009.


Trained in traditional figurative painting, Mirela Moscu's compositions bring together a mesh of fantasies, folkloric symbols and memories. As elements iterate and the colour palette prevails consistently, an unusual blend of the uncanny and the familiar arises. Often a leitmotiv in her practice, the forest landscape which was a familiar scenery during her childhood, is ubiquitous in her work today. Brought as a context in almost every single painting, the dense vegetation of the forest becomes a place of encounter for all the human and more abstract presences designated.  The fine line between the human and the animal as well as the green and the blue unveil the artist's passion for the potential inscribed in the interconnected moment of dawn and dusk. Her compositions become a metaphor for feelings of uncertainty, transition and inbetweenness. (Excerpt from the text of exhibition Sky-like Hope, Suprainfinit Gallery, 2
