Constantin Flondor - Flüstern im Garten | Whispers in the Garden : Curator: Alina Șerban


Conceived by artist Constantin Flondor as an intermezzo between his most recent works and the defining visual experimentation and study of the 1960s and 70s, the exhibition WHISPERS IN THE GARDEN  invites viewers on a journey through the system of referents that has faithfully guided his creative path for nearly fifty years, linking the various stages of his artistic evolution.

Through the lens of an artistic practice ceaselessly pursuing an insight into the complexity of images while experimenting with visual language through signs, signals, and interdisciplinary research-including mathematics, structuralism, semiotics, and bionics-the present exhibition partially reconstructs the intricate context of the pictorial grammar characterizing the artist's most recent works. More precisely, evoking the importance of lessons drawn from nature and music-elements that nourish the meanings of knowledge in an almost enigmatic way-Constantin Flondor presents a diverse corpus of works created in the last years.
The selection of works highlights the varying moods of the image, where states of astonishment alternate with those of study: from the pedagogical diagrams that conceptually reorganise sound pieces to painting compositions that almost ritualistically record the energies and dynamics of natural spaces. These works capture attention through their versatile response to the imperative of reason, analysing, translating, and visually recoding the imprint of sound or natural stimuli, while also leaving space for joyful contemplation.