Ana Adam draws as she breathes to be reconciled with herself and the world around her. The fluidity and the tensions of the lines in Ana’s drawings serve to sublimate the appetites usually restricted in social life, and the impact of these drawings develops a polyvalent and magical femininity. The artist captures the emotion under her vital pulses which emerge through the lines and color washes of the drawing.
Drawing is a witchcraft or the other way round is Ana Adam’s first solo exhibition with Jecza Gallery in Timisoara. A remarkable personality, the artist has lived and worked in this same city for a long time. Noticed during the 2017 edition of the Art Encounters Biennial “Life – user’s manual”, she has since pursued an ascending career which only confirms an approach whose visual and conceptual qualities are highest.
Her intelligence places masculinity beyond mythological antagonism antagonism between the two sexes and leads to a rewriting of creation – men who give birth, women who express their desire through a multitude of organs and breast replication, the nature takes back its rights, the human is in constant cosmological metamorphosis.
The present exhibition also includes sewn drawings in addition to ink drawings which offer a variation of of magic and healing mushrooms whose somatic, sensory, and emotional propensities are the result of the informal weaving of of mixed and unraveled threads described as an echo of the energy of mushrooms. (curator Ami Barak)